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James Murphy talk about new record

James Murphy has posted a blog on LCD Soundsystem's MySpace talking a bit about the new album he's currently working on, which he likes more than his last (presumably 2007's 'Sound Of Silver').

In it he says: "Making a record is strange. Last time I made a record I had a pretty brutal and miserable experience. Then I made something that wasn't the record, went back to said record, and had a great experience. It all worked out. This time I'm having a pretty great experience. I like the record more, but have no idea if that means it's better or anything. It's just more fun. The shitty full-days of lying on the floor stuck in my own head about things has been pushed back into hours, or only one hour, here and there. I also get to swim in the morning, and do things like that. Which is good. Which makes the record better, I think. Because now when I'm not actually working on the record, I'm doing something I like and that occupies my mind, rather than sitting in a room with my head in my hands wondering if I still know how to make music."

He goes on to say a bit about the MTV Awards he attended, which makes for quite an interesting read. Click here for the full blog post.