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Chester French, a band baits music fans with a free album

Go to the Chester French website and you'll see a free mix tape for downloading. Right next to it on the simply designed site is a plea to buy their new album for 7.99. The marketing idea is simple: if you like the free music, you'll be willing to pay for more of the same.

The free album is called "Jacques Jams" and all users need to do is fill out an information request form and they are sent an email on where to download the music. While music fans most likely will be pitched the other album for sale called "Love The Future." It's hard to argue with an entire album at no cost or obligation. is running a story plus an interview on D.A. Wallach and Maxwell Drummy, the young duo from Harvard. They write that the band name "Chester French" is based on sculptor "Daniel Chester French." Be sure to note that because the band itself is tired of explaining it.

A story found on The Boston Globe website reminds us that Chester French's song "She Loves Everybody" was chosen to play over the credits on an episode of HBO's Entourage. It was their first musical exposure before releasing their debut. The song apparently is an ode to "safe sex."

The writer for the Boston Globe goes on to describe the Chester French sound as "...inspired by both hip-hop and 1960s pop music." Chester French producer Andrew Coleman adds, "It's a retro sound, but it's also very modern."

Because of the clean cut nature of the boys, future comparisons of Chester French may be made to The Jonas Brothers. They will probably protest due to the sound they have created and their dissatisfaction with top 40 music to begin with, but if the publicity grows it's guaranteed to come up. Who else but The Jonas Brothers would do an "ode to safe sex."


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