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Indian Ocean Music Network launched

On 1st and 2nd May 2009, music industry operators from the Indian Ocean region announced their intention to form the Indian Ocean Music Network. The gathering was filled with much enthusiasm as 40 representatives from 12 different countries connected to the live music and festivals sector met at Ashanti Hotel in Johannesburg’s central business district.

Five years ago, music promoters Alain Courbis ( Reunion Island) Yusuf Mahmoud (Zanzibar) and Dan Chiorboli (South Africa) developed the idea of a music network for the Indian Ocean region. Confirming the value of this initial idea, the intention of those present this past weekend was to investigate possible means to enhance cooperation, networking, skills development and cultural exchange among live music industry operators and practitioners of the Indian Ocean region.

Of particular importance and because of its potential to not only enhance job creation and pool resources, but also ensure vibrancy and cultural exchange, was the need to develop the live music sector at this regional level. In this context, the occasion informed a number of key objectives for the Indian Ocean Music Network (IOMN). The network identified the imperative to create and sustain viable circuits for musicians and artists, promote economies of scale, respect cultural diversity and share resources in a mutually beneficial way.

During its deliberations, the network also committed to launching a website that would include a diary of festivals and contact details of music festival programmers located within and around the Indian Ocean. Anticipated is for festivals and venues to communicate their programming and identify ways in which they could benefit from sharing various programming costs.

The meeting elected six representatives from the Indian Ocean islands and another six from the continent that would form the Board of the IOMN. Remarked one of the founder members and newly elected IOMN president, Yusuf Mahmoud, from Sauri Za Busara Festival in Zanzibar.

“The activity and enthusiasm over the past two days demonstrates the commitment of participants and further bears testimony to a need for the establishment and development of the IOMN. With cooperation and working together, yes we can build the live music and festival circuits, for the maximum benefit of the diverse and wonderful musicians from the region that we represent”.

Appointed to the Board of the Indian Ocean Music Network are,

African Continent

Yusuf Mahmoud (Sauti za Busara / Zanzibar, President IOMN)
Dan Chiorboli (Music Mix Durban / South Africa, Vice-President IOMN)
Paulo David Sithoe (Logaritimo/Mozambique)
Lee Walters ( Moshito Music Conference/South Africa)
Hilda Kiel (Dhow Countries Music Academy /Zanzibar and Worlds of Indian Ocean / Kenya)
Rashid Lombard (Capetown Jazz Festival / South Africa)

Indian Ocean Islands

Alain Courbis (Pôle Regional Musiques Actuelles / Reunion Island, Secretariat IOMN)
Miera Savy (Festival Kreol / Seychelles)
Percy Yip Tong ( Samemsa Festival / Mauritius)
Max Etangsale (Artkenciel Festival /Reunion Island, assistant secretary IOMN)
Alain Kamal Henry (Festival Intermizik / Mayotte, assistant secretary IOMN)
Pierre Emmanuel Fega (Angaredona Festival Antananarivo/Madagascar)

At the conclusion of the meeting, participants agreed to meet again at Moshito Music Conference and Exhibition which takes place in Johannesburg from 2-5 September 2009.


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